Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I continue to feel as though there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done and I'm waiting for the "slow" that is supposed to come with fall, so forgive a very short update! Our pre-school drama has gotten much less dramatic, as long as I promise a cookie from the bakery next to the pre-school as a reward for good behavior. I've begun tackling projects that have been on the 'to-do' list I wrote back in March (and by tackling I mean paying someone to tackle). The girls are napping less, waking earlier and staying up later, so my productivity level has dramatically decreased. I can't believe I'm supposed to have Halloween costumes ready for our first party NEXT week! Laundry seems never-ending and as soon as one meal in my kitchen is cleaned up, it's time to start the next. The joys of motherhood, right??? Speaking of meals, I should begin thinking about dinner....

Here are a few pictures I haven't shared yet from Jeremy's company picnic in September-enjoy!


Catherine said...

The girls look so happy:) They are getting so big and so grown-up, I love that they make phone calls now! I think I deserve a medal for refraining from commenting on the Colts jerseys;)

Jillian said...

I know the feeling and I only have one child to take care of at a time! Hang in there. Everything does seem to get done eventually...or we pay to get it done, I am right there with you on that one.