Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pittsburgh may never be the same....

Okay, for those of you who don't know Jeremy or I very well, we have the tendency to be a bit tight when it comes to certain things (working too much, trying to please EVERYONE, running in too many different directions) so we knew it was time for some much needed R & R. We headed to Mexico (which Lilly can now say with great pride when you ask here where her Mommy & Daddy went on their trip). I felt only a little guilt leaving my munchkins, because I knew they would have a BLAST at Grandma & Grandpa Sadler's place in the burgh. I know I am the envy of most moms, especially my twin mom friends, because the grandparents were up to this challenge! Anyway, they rose to the occasion and treated the girls to a week of fun. I've put the highlights into my own top ten list, but the pictures may say it best. I know, I wasn't there to witness, but the proof is in the over 200 pictures I've seen and stories I've heard.

Top 10 Reasons I'd Rather Be in Pittsburgh

than running errands with my mom on a rainy Monday...

10. Pool time....1-2-3 jump into Grandpa's arms is the best (and both girls can go underwater now with no tears!)

9. They took us to this wacked out amusement park called Storybook Forest. Somehow this place finds people to hire and dress up as things like Humpty Dumpty and the old lady who lives in the shoe, anyway, we'd never seen anything like it...

8. Storytime at the library and Grandma didn't drag us out like mom did last month when we yelled at the top of our lungs. (Inside voices isn't a concept they've mastered yet)

7. We ate a lot that mom doesn't let us have---lollipops, funnel cakes, strawberry shortcake--oh my!

6. We got to hang out with our mom's former neighbor friend who has a pretty cool daughter...did you follow that one?

5. The Children's Museum of Pittsburgh had water, bob the builder, choo choo's, trolleys, diggers, boats, cars...they have explained all this to me when I show them the pictures!

4. We got to interrupt Grandpa Ian's board meeting and none of the guys in suits were mad.

3. Grandma took us out to a garage sale and bought us our first African American doll (we are starting diversity training early) and a dollhouse (Addy hasn't let the doll out of her sight since--it ran our errands with us and she told the bank teller about her)

2. We met Grandma at the golf course after her league game and worked on our short game.

1. We got to stay up past our bedtime for "one-more" book, "one-more" song, "one-more", "one-more" kiss....


Catherine said...

A - i think you forgot the funniest thing - Lilly screaming "IAN, IAN, IAN!" I swear that cracks me up more than anything;) I cannot believe that they talk all the time - obviously they get that from Jeremy's side of the family! A - don't mess with Idlewild - that was my sole source of income for two summers:) I am really glad you guys had a nice vacay in Mexico - you deserved it! Can't believe you guys are almost the parents of two year olds!

Ashley C. Ford said...

Yay for diversity training! See, Lily wasn't stealing my chicken nuggets she was trying to connect with me over soul food.

BandBbaby said...

I love the daddy's day tribute!! Nothing like grandma and grandpa trips. I remember when I was little I would come back home with bigger cheeks and spoiled rottin! High five to your mom and dad for a week of two, two year olds!