Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Locks of Love

Before having twins, I used to volunteer regularly, donate blood every 60 days or so and mentor college kids in they ways they could best give back to their communities. Since having A & L, I got a job with a non-profit and I volunteer with a non-profit of amazing multiple moms, but I don't volunteer in the true sense of volunteerism. Jeremy and I are more often found writing a check than giving our time. Unfortunately, it just is the way it is right now. So, when I met a few people who had done Locks of Love, I thought "I can do that, someone would love to get my fiery red hair!". After my rounds of pre-natal steroid vitamins during my pregnancy, my hair grew faster than ever. 10 inches wasn't easy to get to and my hair was probably longer than it ever had been before and is now almost the shortest I've ever gone, but it was a fun process.

Icing on the cake was a brief conversation I had in the salon with a women who is a brain cancer survivor, 5 years treatment free after wearing wigs for 10 years. She expressed gratitude for what I was doing and was quite proud to show off her "new do" with the hair that has eventually grown back for her! Anyway, here is the before and after, perhaps motivating for anyone who reads this to think about how they can do their part!



Jillian said...

I love it! And especially since it was for locks of love. That's awesome, and motivating. My hair is getting pretty long so maybe I'll keep it going and make the cut this winter...

Andrea said...

Love it!

Ashley C. Ford said...

Super pretty, Aimee! I adore it!

Amanda said...

Very cute Aimee, you totally pull it off!

Flesworthy said...

Looks great!

Brooke said...

Love it and the reason behind it!

Mindy said...

You rock, Aimee! WOW! What a lovely gesture. The new 'do is spunky, cute, and really suits you! :-)

Bryan and Ashley said...

What an awesome thing to do Aimee! And you look great too! You totally look great with the short 'do':-D

Catherine said...

Aimee - You look fabulous:)

Anonymous said...

Aims, your hair looks absolutely adorable...I love it! Locks of love is such a great cause and I think it is wonderful that you were willing to give up your beautiful red hair.

Joanna said...

just catching up...you look great and so wonderful what you did!