Jeremy left for a mancation/bachelor party weekend (more like half a week) on Thursday morning for a really good friend, John, who is getting married in July. I was happy he was going, he needs to get away every once in a while and a trip into the mountains, white-water-rafting and golfing was perfect for him. That said, I need to plan a solo get-away STAT. Anyone with me?
During the 4 days he's been gone, it has gotten progressively and uncomfortably hot in Indiana, so we've been spending a lot of time in water. Thursday was no exception, we met a friend at the Splash Park mid-day and had a blast. Addy took a spill, backwards, when she ran into another kid, but recovered quickly and I didn't think much of it. Later that day, she seemed fine even though I knew she'd have a nasty goose-egg (nothing new for her). She went down for bed fine that night, but woke up in agony on Friday. She was hysterical, the egg on her head had grown and she was refusing to walk, move her neck or do much besides cry in pain. If she laid perfectly still on my chest, she was fine, but if I tried to move her, she screamed. It was terrifying for us all. After Lilly got dropped off at Grandma Jody's and a panicky chat with my peds office, we were off to the ER. They did a CAT scan to rule out all the things my mind went to (brain bleed, spinal injury, etc, etc) and about 4 hours after she had woken up, she took her first steps of the morning. My active, crazy, run-around girlfriend was not herself and I was carrying a lot of guilt for blowing off the fall the day prior. However, the doctor reassured me that it was probably just muscular. He compared it to an adult car accident--always worse the day after. He said if she was having muscle spasms coupled with a monster headache from the swelling, it was just pain she was unfamiliar with and was more scared than anything. Thankfully, Uncle Jon was able to join us at the hospital to keep A entertained and besides a bit of a stiff neck, she seems great now!
So, we've been trying to have a few boring days to follow-up on the craziness of Friday. We are anxious for daddy to return and will keep trying to beat the Indiana heat!
All dressed up for church with Grandma Linda
All smiles!
And a bit of mischief...
Aimee, that is so scary! I'm glad she's okay. Now go pour yourself a bottle of wine; you've definitely earned it.
Aimee - Wow - I am so sorry this happened to you guys:( Addy really does remind me of you when you were little - you were always running into stuff and getting hurt:( Addy is absolutely the cutest patient ever! Way to work the situation to your advantage Lilly;)
Aimee, so glad everyone is okay! However, she did make a pretty cute patient!!
All's well that ends well. You would like to wrap them up in cotton wool but that is not an option! Pretty in pink is very apt, the color suits them both.I understand that the new descriptor is "a tiny bit better" whether it is how she feels or the state of her Boo-boo. way to go ,Addy.Good luck weaning Lilly off chocolate dough nuts!!!
GaGa ian
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