Saturday, October 20, 2007

Life Outside of Babyland???

Well, we did it, we broke out. Last Saturday night was the night...we left the babies in the care of Grandpa and Grandma Ash and Grandma Linda. We alligned the troops and never looked back. And by never looking back, I mean I called about every 2 hours and drank through the anxiety of leaving the babies for the first time! We attended the wedding of Ben & Kristin Livermore in Chicago and it was wonderful to see them married and see friends, but difficult to stay away. We left early in the morning to get back to see the girls!

As for life inside babyland, we have officially broken just about every parenting rule in the book. The number 1 rule they tell you is not to bring the baby into bed with you...

But, seriously when they wake up at 4 in the morning and they won't go back in the crib, what are exhausted parents supposed to do???

We also don't strap the girls into their bouncy seats, because they hate being confined, so here is their personalities shining through again, Lilly is a little lazy right now and sleeps A LOT, Addy is wide awake most of the day, she loves her dad's IU mobile--Go Hoosiers!

Here's a better look at Lilly--Grandma Jody calls her our Buddha Baby...It's a tough life, huh?

And here is Addy, otherwise known as Nosy Rosy...
So, life is good, but exhausting. Parents always say you never realized you can love so much and it has been true, I feel like I fall more in love with these girls more everyday!


Christina said...

Oh, we have not only broken the "no baby in the bed" rule, we have laughed in its face and then spit, for good measure. It's the ONLY way I can get Chase to sleep for longer than 45 minutes. It was something I was trying to keep from my father-in-law the pediatrician, but last night Andrew told him and we received the expected tsk-tsk-tsk. But my baby sleeps for four hour stretches, which may not seem like much, but is an absolute godsend at the moment.

The girls are so cute. And it's funny, I hate strapping Chase into his papasan seat b/c it makes him fuss (what doesn't?) but when we don't he slides down and out of it, too! Crazy babies.

Catherine said...

I read on another blog that you took my beautiful baby nieces to a "restaurant." Being that we are talking about you & Jeremy I can only assume "restaurant" is a euphemism for "bar." So far my adorable little nieces are wearing polyester and attending sporting events via bars. They probably think the word Saks means a bag to carry things in. UNACCEPTABLE.

I think they need to spend some quality time at the mall with their Aunt Cat. Lucky for them I will be carrying them into Saks in less than a month:):):) I can guarantee Lilly will not sleep through that! There will be plenty of shoes for little Addy to look at then:):) I freaking cannot wait to see these beautiful babies in person and try and un-indoctrinate them re sport jerseys:)