We had Grandma & Grandpa Sadler with us this weekend, which worked out well because I've had a pretty nasty headcold, making my brain feel like it is too big for my head--not good.
I'd be lying to the blogosphere if I said this week was all sugar and sprinkles. I had a scare with Addy on Monday. While playing at a local bookstore and buying a gift for a friend, she tripped over her own two feet and fell on the corner of a table. Thinking not much of it as she is a big clutz, I calmed her down, made my purchases and began to get their coats on. As this was happening, she began to wail and I saw the eye beginning to swell. We drove the 5 miles home and in that time, her eye swelled shut and she wailed and wailed. Thankfully, it was President's day and my mother-in-law was off work. I made a frantic call to the pediatrician that went something like this...
"Okay, so she took a fall, is she bleeding?"
"No, but blood is pooling underneath the skin and this bubble looks ready to pop."
"Does it look like broken blood vessels?"
"Did she go unconscious?"
"Did she seize?"
"Did she vomit?"
"Does she have leakage from her ears, nose or eyes."
"No-but you are really freaking me out here!"
"Ma'am, these are standard questions with a head injury, would you feel better if you brought her in?"
Grandma Jody came to watch Lilly and I took Addy in. They said she was lucky, she could have fractured the bone above the eye or worse landed on the eye and had serious issues, but this was just a 'surface wound'. I've said before that she is my fearless daughter and I have a feeling I have a lot more injuries like this one ahead of us, but I swear I aged 5 years in an hour. Here's a picture of the wound, but honestly it doesn't do it justice. She looked like she'd been in a bar fight most of the week.